The Providers’ Role
- Ensure parent/caregiver knows what to expect with lead testing
- Share test results from Lead Care II or contact parents if the results from the lab reveal elevated blood lead level (EBLL)
- Provide education to parent/guardian regarding lead testing recommendations, monitoring, and potential referrals if elevated. Refer to Resources and FAQs for information and educational materials
- Perform (or direct to another source) venous test, if capillary test result is elevated
- Schedule follow-up visits for EBLL patients
- Collaborate with specialists: Children’s Special Services and Tennessee Poison Center and Tennessee Early Intervention System
- Provide clinic staff with education on childhood lead poisoning prevention, management, and testing.
- Reach out to Tennessee Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- Email us at
Please refer to our What To Do for Patients With an EBLL and Resource pages for more information
Tennessee Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Lead Screening Guidelines
Reporting Submission Instructions
The Tennessee Department of Health requires reporting of all lead testing, elevated and non-elevated, child and adult. Laboratories are responsible for reporting any lead samples they process and analyze.
When a provider performs a lead test in house via the LeadCare II machine, he/she must report all results to University of Tennessee Extension via the Lead Input portal.
To the extent possible, using the Firefox or Chrome browsers simplifies submissions.
Enter the URL (This site does not meet UTK accessibility standards) This will take you to a webpage entitled: “LeadTRK of Tennessee: Blood Lead Level Reporting.” In the first section, you will enter provider information. The middle section of the page is devoted to the “Blood” information; i.e., sample type, test date, and result, and the final section is for patient information. You will see that required fields are denoted in red font. The system will not allow you to submit information until you have completed each of the required sections.
When you have entered a single test result, you can continue entering subsequent records without having to retype any data in the Provider section. Simply hit the black plus sign (+) to the bottom left of the patient’s name and continue data entry. You will need to use the plus sign after each entry. When you have successfully entered all records, you will need to address the security block in the lower left hand corner, which requires you to retype the letters shown in the box. After doing so, please take time to review all of the data on the page, before hitting the blue Submit button. Once you have done so, you will receive a message stating that “The following blood record(s) has/have been submitted for approval.” The actual information you input will be shown below. If at that point you notice any error, you will not be able to make a change. Rather, you will need to notify us by email at of any corrections that we will then make on your behalf. For security purposes, all reports are encrypted during transmission.
Please note that the reporting system includes a blue Help option at the top right of your screen. Do not hesitate to use this if you have any questions or concerns.
Reporting requirements stipulate that you submit results for all patients with elevated blood lead levels (3.5 μg/dL or higher) within one week. Results under 3.5 μg/dL must be submitted within one month – or any lesser interval that you prefer.
Tennessee Childhood Lead
Poisoning Prevention Program
630 Hart Lane
Nashville, TN 37216
(615) 532 – 8462 or (855) 202-1357